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Reining Australia Annual General Meeting 20th February 2021

Dear Members,

A Notice of the Annual General Meeting was sent to all members 7th January 2021, confirming the details of the up coming Reining Australia AGM.

The Reining Australia Board wish to inform the Membership that the Annual General Meeting will be held Saturday 20th February 2021 at Gatton Showgrounds in Queensland.

Because of the uncertainly of COVID 19 and closing of the borders, it has become necessary to change the venue. We understand this is not close to any airport, but even if we book a venue close to Brisbane airport, it could still be changed.

There will be livestream of the AGM and online voting.

Log in details and the link for the Live stream will be provided to the membership prior to the meeting commencing so that as many members as possible are able to attend.

A copy of the Notice of Meeting can be found below along with Nomination of Board of Directors & Notice of Motion.

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
Download PD • 165KB

Nomination Forms RA Board and Notice of
Download • 145KB

Log in details and the link for the Live stream will be provided to the membership prior to the meeting commencing so that as many members as possible are able to attend.

Lynda Gray

Office Manager

Reining Australia

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