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Para Reining In Australia
Reining Australia Para Reining Policy and Show Rules
Policy -
Open to riders with physical disabilities. Riders must submit a Reining Australia Para Reining Classification Request Form and Medical Diagnostic Form (found under forms and documents on the RA website).
Grade 1
Riders are typically wheelchair users with impairment in all four limbs, with core instability. The rider may be able to walk but only with assistance. Walk only patterns are included in this grade. Compensating aids are allowed.
Grade 2
Riders are typically wheelchair users or walking frame with some varying levels of limb movement and core instability. The rider may be able to walk, but with limited balance and limb function. Jog and modified lope patterns are included in this grade. Compensating aids are allowed.
Grade 3
Riders can walk with or without support but have minimal use of limbs with core stability. Full lope patterns are included in this grade. Compensating aids are allowed.
Grade 4
Riders are impaired in one or two limbs (upper or lower) or are vision /hearing impaired. Full lope patterns are included in this grade. Compensating aids are allowed.
Grade 5
Riders with alternative disabilities that do not fall under the above Grades 1-4. Full lope patterns are included in this grade. Compensating aids are allowed.
Para Reining Policy, and Rules
Para Reining Patterns
Classification and Medical Form

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